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Taking care of your hearing is vital! We all want to live life to the fullest and that is why good ear and hearing health is important to people of all ages. There are many factors that can affect our ear health including age, the misuse of ear buds, constant exposure to very loud noises and of course the build up of wax. If our ear health is compromised then our ability to hear deteriorates, this often causes people to be socially withdrawn.
Read more: Typma Health Ear Microsuction
Vitamins are a group of chemicals that are needed by the body for good health. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. It dissolves in fat which means the body can store it for future use, except in obese and overweight people. Vitamin D’s main function is to help absorb calcium and phosphorus from the gut. This is really important for strong bones and muscles and also to maintain good general health.
Read more: Why is vitamin D important?
Allevia (fexofenadine ) - New and effective Treatment for Hayfever previously only available on prescription.
Exposure to pollen can cause your body to produce allergic symptoms, called hay fever.
Read more: New and effective Treatment for Hayfever